Dealing with jealousy seeing couples happily in love.

Longing for partnership?

In Surrogate Partner Therapy each phase of a healthy relationship can be experienced in safety regardless of your past relationship history.

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Trying things out without jumping all the way in creates safety when vulnerable.

Improve your Confidence.

With a surrogate partner you will experience a step-by-step approach to forming future partnerships. Dip your toes in the waters of relationship and build confidence in your ability to interact with men and attract the right partner.

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Body image Issues?

In Surrogate Partner Therapy, issues of body image and body confidence will be addressed. You will learn how the body functions, explore what brings you pleasure as well as what does not, share what you enjoy about your body and those areas you want to improve.

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Afraid of intimacy?

Intimacy is created through trust and developed over time. As the Surrogate Partner relationship builds, your fears will be explored giving you an opportunity to replace them with joy and excitement.

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What is SPT?

Surrogate Partner Therapy (SPT) is a highly effective and life changing therapeutic process where an individual without a current partner can address blockages that are keeping them from the relationship of their dreams. The Surrogate Partner Therapist works in tandem with professionals like psychotherapists or psychologists to support the growth of the client.

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How does it work?

Learn all the steps to creating a wonderful relationship through guided exercises and practical experience.

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Will it work for me?

If you seek more fulfilling relationships complete with all the bells and whistles of deep intimacy but haven't yet had the success you desire, then Surrogate Partner Therapy is for you. Explore relationship with a highly trained partner and learn skills to create more satisfying relationships in your future.

Learn Who You Are

Learn lifelong skills to become the vibrant, confident woman you are meant to be. Gain a deeper understanding of your wants, needs and desires. Transform your relationship to YOU.

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Learn More!

You deserve to experience a relationship that is safe, exciting and loving. Start your journey to a more fulfilling life today. Call 720-515-0080.

What is Surrogate Partner Therapy?

1Surrogate Partner Therapy was developed by Masters & Johnson to help people move through issues of relationship, intimacy and sexuality even though they were not currently in partnership.

Selecting a therapist…

2Contact a professional therapist that works in conjunction with a Surrogate Partner Therapist to see if this is the right solution for you. Together with a therapist, you will determine if Surrogate Partner Therapy is the best approach for you.

Selecting a Surrogate Partner Therapist…

3Selecting the right Surrogate Partner Therapist is very important decision. You need to choose one that works with your gender type and can support your needs in order to help meet your goals. It is important to remember that you are not looking for a life partner with your SPT, but someone who can be present in all aspects of your development. For more information on the process, visit the article on Selecting a Surrogate Partner Therapist.

How to work with an SPT…

4Your first session with an SPT is held in the therapist’s office in order to facilitate a three-way relationship supporting your growth.  Your therapist will work with you on the psychological issues that will come up while the SPT will work with you to model a safe and nurturing relationship.

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