
Enter the world of your sexuality safely, lovingly and at your pace.



Surrogate-partners-work-with-the-nautilus-of-female-dynamicsHere are a number of videos and articles from other websites espousing surrogate partner therapy both positive and negative. As you can see there are more positive comments, but you should make up your own mind. As I come across more I will post them here.

Surrogate Partner Related Media

Surrogate Partner Therapy Legality

Here is an article from the Zur Institute that describes Surrogate Partner Therapy from a fair and objective perspective: To Refer or Not Refer to Surrogate Partner Therapy

Surrogate Friendly Therapists

Not all therapists are comfortable with surrogate partner therapy. Here are some who are: TBA

Other Surrogates

I might not be the right surrogate partner for you. Here are some I know and trust (order has no relevance on their level of services, always go through your own evaluation of a surrogate before making your selection and always refer to the IPSA website if you have questions):

Outside the US

  • United Kingdom – David Brown – ICASA
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